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Microsoft 365,pdf浏览器插件
     2024/5/9 20:21:59      来源:pdf浏览器      点击:


专用于 Chrome – 无需安装 Microsoft 365 应用即可使用 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote 和 Sway Online。

熟练地创建文件 – 使用熟悉的格式和布局选项来完全忠实地表达你的想法。

随时随地开展工作 – 与 OneDrive 和 OneDrive for Business 集成,可从任意位置获取文件。


PLEASE NOTE: Refer to your license terms for Microsoft 365 browser extension software (the "software") to identify the entity licensing this supplement to you and for support information. You may use a copy of this supplement with each validly licensed copy of the software. You may not use the supplement if you do not have a license for the software. The license terms for the software apply to your use of this supplement.

隐私策略: http://aka.ms/privacy

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